YHFF™ MASTERCLASS: Operation Elaborate – A Case Study

On Wednesday 27 March 14.30

We are delighted to welcome Detective Superintendent Jon Roch, Met Police who will be presenting on “Operation Elaborate: A case study” to the March Masterclass hosted by YHFF.

Operation Elaborate targeted iSpoof.cc, an underground website that sold, call spoofing services which allowed fraudsters to contact their targets pretending to be trusted organisations, such as banks, tax offices or other official organisations, to trick them into handing over sensitive information including account credentials and, ultimately, funds.


Detective Superintendent Jon Roch from the Metropolitan Police London, a graduate of the Senior Leaders Master’s Degree in Applied Criminology and Police Management delivered at Cambridge University, and a Chartered Manager of the Chartered Management Institute.

John has led a diverse career spanning 35 years working in the financial services industry for NatWest bank before joining the Metropolitan Police Service, which has included spending time seconded to the National Crime Squad, and Serious and Organised Crime Agency.

His career includes leading criminal investigations in a number of London boroughs and he has performed the role of Senior Investigating Officer in Homicide and high profile Child Sexual Abuse Investigations; John specialises in Covert Policing tactics and Serious and Organised Crime Investigations and is currently the Head Of Economic Crime, a portfolio that includes Fraud, Money Laundering, Asset denial and Cryptocurrency responsibilities. He is also a Kidnap and Extortion Senior Investigating Officer, a Strategic Firearms Commander and a Covert Policing Authorising Officer. During the Covid-19 Pandemic John also led the strategic delivery of the MPS Covid 19 enforcement response in London working directly to Deputy Assistant Commissioner Matt Twist.


14.30Welcome & IntroductionMatthew Dibb, Addleshaw Goddard LLP
14.35“Operation Elaborate: A case study” Detective Superintendent Jon Roch, Met Police
15.15Q & A
15.30Close followed by refreshments

How to book

To book your place, please complete the registration form below:


How to pay


Attendance at this valuable Masterclass is free for all current YHFF ™ members.

If you are unable to attend in person a colleague is welcome to attend in your place; simply let us have the name of your replacement.


For non-members the cost will be £80 plus VAT (£96). This price includes membership of the YHFF™ with access to the three Masterclasses in the membership year to 30 September 2023. Payment is required prior to attendance at the event and is non-refundable.

By bank transfer: Please make payment to the YHFF™ bank account using the details below. Please include your name (individual/organisation) as the reference.

Bank: TSB
Account name: The Yorkshire and Humber Fraud Forum Limited
Sort Code: 30-94-53
Account number: 19748468

Invoices: Please let us know of any relevant invoicing details (such as PO number, address of accounts departments etc).

By PayPal: Please send PayPal payments to info@yhff.co.uk


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