Reporting fraud
From 1 April 2013 Action Fraud is the national reporting centre for fraud. This means that all reports of fraud or attempted fraud should be reported to Action Fraud, either online or through the call centre (0300 123 2040). The website and call centre also provide advice and help to businesses and individuals.
The on line reporting tool will take users through a series of questions about the incident and the suspect. It should take 20 to 30 minutes to report a fraud and users should have all the relevant information to hand before they begin their report.
Once a fraud has been reported, users will be given a crime reference number and their case will be referred to the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB), which is run by the police service.
Although the police cannot investigate every report individually, the information provided will aid them to build up intelligence about fraud, including who is committing fraud and against whom. This contributes to making the UK a more hostile place for fraudsters to operate and helps to keep other potential victims safe.

Reporting fraud

From 1 April 2013 Action Fraud is the national reporting centre for fraud. This means that all reports of fraud or attempted fraud should be reported to Action Fraud, either online or through the call centre (0300 123 2040). The website and call centre also provide advice and help to businesses and individuals.
The on line reporting tool will take users through a series of questions about the incident and the suspect. It should take 20 to 30 minutes to report a fraud and users should have all the relevant information to hand before they begin their report.
Once a fraud has been reported, users will be given a crime reference number and their case will be referred to the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB), which is run by the police service.
Although the police cannot investigate every report individually, the information provided will aid them to build up intelligence about fraud, including who is committing fraud and against whom. This contributes to making the UK a more hostile place for fraudsters to operate and helps to keep other potential victims safe.