Masterclass: Asset Recovery – how do you get your money back?

Wednesday 26 June 2019

KPMG, One Sovereign Square, Sovereign Street, Leeds, LS1 4DA

We are delighted to welcome David Charity, Financial Investigation Manager from the Economic Crime Unit at West Yorkshire Police.

David is a manager at West Yorkshire Police’s Economic Crime Unit (ECU), the largest ECU outside of London. The Unit specialises in investigating serious fraud and corruption, and dismantling organised crime through money laundering and asset recovery investigations. David’s particular area of responsibility in West Yorkshire, and his area of expertise, is money laundering and asset recovery investigations. David has worked in this area for 15 years and has also graduated with a Master’s Degree in Financial Investigation and Financial Crime.

In this Masterclass David will be giving us a presentation on asset recovery, explaining the different options available to law enforcement in the UK (from both a criminal and a civil perspective).


3:45pmRegistration and refreshments
4:15pmWelcome & introductionLauren Smith, YHFF
4:20pmAsset Recovery MasterclassDavid Charity